As a child I was often found playing with any animals I could find. Wild, domesticated, mine or the neighbours, it did not matter. This is still true today.
I began working in a grooming salon as a bather when I was twelve years old and continued this job all through high school. I also took on a job as a veterinary assistant at a local vet clinic and continued to work these positions through college when I would return home to visit.
I attended Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology where I obtained my certificates with honours throughout in the Animal Grooming, Veterinary Assistant, and Veterinary Technician programs.
While in college I worked with several rescues and fostered many dogs, this is how I came to find most of my own pets. Today I have a lab cross named Abby, and two cats; Buster and Charm. All of which you will likely hear me talking about while were chatting about your pets in clinic!
I have worked at a few veterinary clinics in various parts of Ontario as a Registered Veterinary Technician and owned a grooming business in Northern Ontario for several years. Today I find myself at Lakeside Niagara Veterinary Clinic as a Registered Veterinary Technician. My main goal as an RVT is to make your pets as calm and comfortable as possible while in our care and give you all the resources to have a happy and comfortable home life with them.